Weekly Newsletter Archive

5 Mental Health Startups for Employees

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Chris Apostolou

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On Monday, the world officially celebrated International Mental Health Day. The theme of this year was ‘Make mental health and well-being for all a global priority.’ As we settle back into a post-pandemic world and face the threat of the cost-of-living crisis, it comes as no surprise that poor mental health is on the rise once again.  

The good news, however, is that mental health is becoming more widely recognised as an essential component of workplace productivity.  Below are some startups I’ve compiled that focus on improving the mental well-being of employees.  


Poor mental health in the workplace can have detrimental effects. Spill is tackling this by reaching out to employees to offer support through their integration with work messaging app, Slack. Once signed up, employees have access to over thirty professional remote therapists over video, phone or message. According to Spill’s own research, six therapy sessions with them have proved more effective at reducing depression and anxiety symptoms than NHS therapy or a course of antidepressants. 


Sanctus is another great option for employees looking to take control of their mental well-being. These guys take a holistic approach to helping you get where you want to be mentally. Using a 1-2-1 system, the coaches adjust their style according to the individual’s needs. So, whether you'd benefit from a nurturing therapeutic approach or a more goal-oriented tough love approach, these guys have you covered. 


From school children to working professionals, this award-winning, NHS-approved app is designed with everyone in mind. With features such as meditation, thought training and sleep tracking, this intuitive smartphone app can help you improve your mental well-being while working remotely.


Unmind is a mental health platform dedicated to building mentally healthy workspaces. Initially created as a strategy to support NHS workers, Unmind’s methods quickly reached out to other businesses and companies. By combining clinical science with corporate wellness, you are given the tools and training needed to measure and manage your mental health needs.


With the cost-of-living crisis sweeping the nation, it's no wonder depression and anxiety are on the rise. If managing your finances has been keeping you up at night, then Maslife is for you. This app takes on a step-by-step approach to help you achieve a healthy lifestyle balance that benefits your mental health and finances. 

That concludes our list for this week. If you enjoyed this article, be sure to also check out our previous piece on improving mental health by clicking here.

#mentalhealth #employees #internationalmentalhealthday #postpandemic #costoflivingcrisis #workplace #mentallwellbeing #nhs #holistic

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