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Hottest Recession-Proof Startup Jobs 2023

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Chris Apostolou

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With inflation gripping the country like a vise and layoffs hitting several industries, it's no wonder many job-seekers are feeling uncertain. In their latest report, the International Monetary Fund even predicted that ‘the worst is yet to come’ saying that 2023 ‘will feel like a recession for many.’ 

However it's not all doom and gloom! Here at Work in Startups we are determined to help you secure your dream job regardless of what the economy says. Below I've compiled a list of our top five most sought after job categories this January. In other words, here are some of the most ‘recession-proof’ job types about:



So why are these categories doing so well? Let's break it down…


     1. Developer Jobs

Developer jobs are some of the most sought after during tough financial times. The demand for developers has gone up significantly over the last few years. Plus with rapid digitization, the demand for skilled software engineers is only going to increase. 


       2. Sales Jobs

It's been said that sales professionals are among the the most recession-proof careers out there. Many businesses who struggle with sales are in desperate need of new team members to help build customers and hit targets. The best part is if you have strong sales skills, this can easily be transferred across industries to any sales job.


      3. Marketing Jobs

When the financial state of the world is in crisis, the marketing industry certainly faces its challenges. However, with the right strategy in place, the marketing industry can soar during a recession by letting customers know how a certain product can help them. Here at Work in Startups, marketing jobs are by far some of the most in demand.


      4. Data and Product Jobs

The need to preserve and monitor data is perhaps higher than ever during a recession. For that reason, data and product roles are guaranteed to always be available. The demand for data scientists in particular is constantly on the rise as technology continues to evolve.


        5. Internships

For many companies having an internship program is not only a great way of mitigating the impact of economic comedowns but also a sure fire way of increasing a company's diversity. If you're struggling to find a job due to lack of experience an internship is a great way to test your skills within a practical setting. Here at Work in Startups we have tonnes of internship opportunities across various sectors.  


In times when jobs aren't guaranteed, it's important that you are able to hone in on skills that can open up many opportunities for you. Some recession-proof transferable skills include things like: 


  • Communication
  • Positive mentality
  • Time-management
  • Critical thinking
  • Self-management

We hope this article has shed some light on your job hunt. Make sure to keep an eye out on our website for all the latest opportunities.

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