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Startups to Help You Plan Your Next Holiday

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Chris Apostolou

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The Easter holidays are fast approaching - with the dreaded C-19 word, none of us have been able to go on a proper Easter getaway for 2 whole years. With the travel sector being one of the most badly affected sectors due to Covid, a lot of companies sadly disappeared. However there’s also a LOT of traction currently happening in the industry with newly founded travel startups going strong!

So what’s next? Let’s plan our holidays. In true startup spirit, of course there’s more startups than you can count who have made it their mission to help you plan your next holiday. Keep reading to see some of our favourites.


Location: London, United Kingdom

Looking to escape your fast-paced working life for a more slow-paced holiday? Work remotely and want to travel leisurely? Loathe flying? Well Byway is the startup for you. This startup offers bespoke ‘slow’ holiday packages by train and boat for all your relaxation and travel needs.


Location: Toronto, Canada

Most countries have lifted COVID-19 travel requirements, however, a few still have them firmly in place. It can be very confusing to work out all the documents you need, but fear not, Sherpa is here. This startup tells you all the travel documentation you will need to glide smoothly through customs and beyond. They are partnered with most major airlines too, so you know they’re the real deal!


Location: Bayern, Germany

A camper rental company, with pick-up locations located globally! From California, to Edinburgh, to Frankfurt - there’s a camper location for you. They have a variety of different sizes for all your travelling needs.

Harvest Hosts

Location: Vail, Colorado

Sticking with the RV/camper theme, this startup is sure to excite any road trippers out there. It consists of a membership program that provides you with an online directory of ‘hosts’, all across the US, who accept product purchases in lieu of camping fees. For example, you can spend the night on winery land and purchase some of their wine!


Location: Melbourne, Australia

Also known as YouLive To Travel, this startup is the answer to all your group trips prayers. They have created a number of adjustable itinerary templates to plan out your trip to keep everyone on the same schedule and in the right place at the right time. No more stressful group traveling allowed!


Location: Bucharest, Romania 

A bit of a fun one to finish off. This Romanian-based startup allows you to explore cities in a more interesting way, by engaging with scavenger hunts. They have games in over 140 cities, so it is likely there’s one in your local city, or a city you’ve been planning to visit! The perfect way to get those steps in while on your holidays.


Check out last week's article here.

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